Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022 07:46
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Schade um die guten texte, macht ma wenixdens eina irgendwie weiter um die zu vabreiten bitte danke sagt das baby namens menschheit
Samstag, 20. Juli 2019 11:54 | Ahmedabad
Fssai Online Registration in Ahmedabad
FSSAI online registration in Ahmedabad. FSSAI is the Food Safety and Standards Authority is the initial Administrative Body in India. The FSSAI is the overall governing and regulating body of all Food Business Operators (or in short – FBOs). We will assist you in getting your Food License for your company across India.
FSSAI license in Ahmedabad
Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2019 05:20 | Ahmedabad
FSSAI license in Ahmedabad
FSSAI license is a mandatory thing to do before starting any food business. We are the authorized consultants for FSSAI license in Ahmedabad. We’ll guide you to get your license with an easy and simple step. FSSAI is an abbreviation used for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. This step is taken by the government to ensure that food products undergo certain quality checks, thereby reducing the instances of corruption, substandard products and improve the accountability of manufacturers.
FSSAI license office in Ahmedabad
Montag, 17. Juni 2019 12:45 | Ahmedabad
FSSAI license registration in Ahmedabad
The FSSAI registration for a basic and central level can be done through the FSSAI license consultants. We are one of the governments authorize CSC for fssai license office in Ahmedabad. We provide for the best Fssai license registration for your food business with better guidance. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India.
FSSAI license consultant in Ahmedabad
Montag, 17. Juni 2019 06:41 | Ahmedabad
FSSAI license consultant in Ahmedabad
We are the FSSAI License Consultant in Ahmedabad and we provide services of FSSAI License registration. FSSAI registration is mandatory compliance used to ensure the safety of food products and it is essentially a food safety certificate issued by the food authority in India. We understand and convey the technical details about FSSAI Regulations and guide food businesses on orders which are only relevant to them.
Freitag, 25. Januar 2013 16:03
...und was macht man so als Jokker?
Joking and joking and joking and joking and........
Und hier sind sie: SOZI BRAIN!!!!
Donnerstag, 09. Februar 2012 20:31
Ey jetzt eschs au scho länger här. Was mached mer jetzt? Die Neue Evolution lose!
Gruess Jokker!
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011 11:59 | Maledives
Verdammt coole letschte gig gsi em Septämber. Hett voll geROCKT gha. Ich wör jo gärn säge "Wiiter so!" aber schade schade händ er euch entschede getrennti wäg z'go.
Greez Jokker
David Beckham
Donnerstag, 25. August 2011 09:22 | London
Geeksnerds photo recovery is a media recovery tool, which recovers and restores your lost, deleted or formatted images and picture files.
Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010 16:17 | berlin
jetzt weiß ich, was ihr gemeint habt,als ihr sagtet, eure videos sind immer kreuz und quer zusammengestellt x) schade,dass nich soviel loswar im biohazard und ihr nicht wirklich aufdrehen konntet, hat mir aber trotzdem gefallen. ab dienstagbin ich in der nähevonzürich, vlltlässt sich noch ma n treffen oder so organisieren,liebe grüße
Heyho, danke fürs Lob.. allerdings isch de Gig im August gsi und ned im September